
The hungry dragon (story)


Let's listen to this song and sing along!



Prepositions are so fun! Let's play a game!
Click here to open it.

Practice more prepositions, Click Here!

And here we're leaving you with some interesting videos about prepositions and punctuation. Enjoy!

Dear children, now you have to work in MS-Word writing down some examples of prepositions and inserting pictures.

What is a question and exclamation mark?

Full stop and Capital letters


Play a game HERE

Make a comic

Make your own comic with a fiction story. Click here to open the page!



What are pronouns? Click here!


Game 1: Practice pronouns with a pirate! Click here to start the game!

Game 2: Put the words in the correct order! Click here to start the game!


* Write the lyrics of the song in MS-WORD and insert pictures that represent each pronoun.

Presents for baby

Click here and read the story of a new family member coming home.

Think about the following questions:

Do you have any younger brother or sister?
How did your life change when he or she arrived?
Did you change your family´s life when you were born?

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