
People organise themselves in different ways to reach common goals

Living things interact and impact on each other in the environment


Activity: Label the parts of a plant  (click HERE)
Play some games about living things! (click HERE)

What is a Habitat?

It is a special place where a plant or animal lives. Just like you have a home or place to live, so do animals and plants. 

Game about habitats, CLICK HERE!!

Make your habitat online, CLICK HERE

Activity: Make a habitat.

  1. Create a habitat using PAINT
  2. Insert a picture of an animal to create its habitat around.


Living and Non Living things


Animals and Non Living things.
Can it move?

Elements in the sky can influence living things.

1. Choose a Nocturnal Animal.
2. Find a picture of it, copy it an paste it on a Word document.
3. Find out the following information:
- Reproduction.
- Food.
- Why is it a Nocturnal Animal?

Here you have an example.

To find out some information of your animal you can go to the following webpage:

Click on the "search" box and write what you want to learn about.

Video: The reason for the seasons.

Video: Phases of the moon.

How does day turn into night? Discover it watching this video about Earth´s Rotation.

Signs and Symbols are powerfull elements of human communication.

Signs and Symbols.

Match the definition with the correct drawing.
What do these images mean?
Learn about traffic signs.

Families work together in
different ways.
Family member game - Click here
Who is who game - Click here

Male or female? Click here

Match the family members - Click here

Expand your family vocabulary watching this great video!

Knowing ourselves helps us to learn
and improve.

Activity 1: Make your family tree and save it in your folder.
Click here!

Activity 2: Make an animation about the chores of your family member at home. Click here!
5 Senses!

Watch again Jiminy Cricket and find out what make us different from animals.

Open the file with Paint.
Fill in the missing information.
Make a drawing in the recyangle.
Save the file with your name and class.



My name is 
I am                    years old.
I like 
I am good at 
I don't like 
In the future I would like to 

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